Discussion and tips - comments Untitled 2019-02-19T10:45:35Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/management/maintenancemode/discussion-and-tips#comment102 2019-02-19T10:45:35Z <p>Because this website are not up to date …</p> Untitled 2019-02-19T10:23:48Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/management/maintenancemode/discussion-and-tips#comment101 2019-02-19T10:23:48Z <p>Hi,<br class="autobr" /> is there a known reason to set this plugin's compatibility range only among version 2.50 to 2.73?<br class="autobr" /> Or - you would use some testing?<br class="autobr" /> Regards.<br class="autobr" /> Rita</p> Untitled 2019-02-12T12:58:40Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/management/maintenancemode/discussion-and-tips#comment99 2019-02-12T12:58:40Z <p>Yes, sure … i fix today. And i send translation file after on <a href="https://translate.sondages.pro/projects/" class="spip_url spip_out auto" rel="nofollow external">https://translate.sondages.pro/projects/</a></p> Untitled 2019-02-12T12:46:28Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/management/maintenancemode/discussion-and-tips#comment98 2019-02-12T12:46:28Z <p>Hello, i think there could be a typo: the english standard message is "This website are on maintenance mode.". Shouldn't it be "This website is on maintenance mode."<br class="autobr" /> English is not my mother tongue either...</p>