Discussion, tips, feature request and bug report - comments Untitled 2021-06-22T11:23:49Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/admin-authentification/limesurvey-authentification-by-wordpress/discussion-tips-feature-request-and-bug-report#comment132 2021-06-22T11:23:49Z <p>It is fixed since yesterday <a href="https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/Authentification/AuthWPbyDB" class="spip_url spip_out" rel='nofollow external'>https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/Auth...</a></p> Untitled 2020-04-20T13:59:26Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/admin-authentification/limesurvey-authentification-by-wordpress/discussion-tips-feature-request-and-bug-report#comment117 2020-04-20T13:59:26Z <p>Hi,</p> <p>I just tried to install it,</p> <p>and had the same issue,</p> <p>Kind regards,</p> Discussion, tips, feature request and bug report 2020-04-08T17:46:17Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/admin-authentification/limesurvey-authentification-by-wordpress/discussion-tips-feature-request-and-bug-report#comment116 2020-04-08T17:46:17Z <p>Hi</p> <p>I have installed Limesurvey version 4.1.14 and uploaded the plugin to the server but when I want to activate it I get an error: :"Missing configuration file" config.xml file missing.</p> <p>Can someone let me know what I am missing</p> <p>thanks</p> Untitled 2019-10-03T07:37:09Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/admin-authentification/limesurvey-authentification-by-wordpress/discussion-tips-feature-request-and-bug-report#comment106 2019-10-03T07:37:09Z <p>If you want to use with <strong>LimeSurvey 3.xx</strong>, you can t directly, it s broke plugin management.<br class="autobr" /> You need to change in file "AuthWPbyDB.php" at line 22 :</p> <p>@version 1.1 <br class="autobr" /> at @version 1.1.1 (3.xx compatibility)</p> <p>class AuthWPbyDB extends \ls\pluginmanager\AuthPluginBase<br class="autobr" /> at class AuthWPbyDB extends AuthPluginBase</p> Untitled 2015-07-01T13:25:38Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/admin-authentification/limesurvey-authentification-by-wordpress/discussion-tips-feature-request-and-bug-report#comment60 2015-07-01T13:25:38Z <p>Hi David,</p> <p>Look at the documentation :is done for this.</p> <blockquote class="spip"> <p><strong>Auto create user.</strong><br class="autobr" /> Check to create user if it's not exist in LimeSurvey installation. Default rigths for a WordPress user is : survey creation, using template, using labels set and have their own particants.</p> </blockquote> <p>You can easily update this hacking the code.</p> <p>Remark : i didn't test plugin with 2.06, if it work : can you inform here please ?</p> Untitled 2015-06-30T20:46:47Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/admin-authentification/limesurvey-authentification-by-wordpress/discussion-tips-feature-request-and-bug-report#comment58 2015-06-30T20:46:47Z <p>Hi.</p> <p>I have a question.</p> <p>I'm using wordpress and I would like to create some survey with lime survey.<br class="autobr" /> I'm curious about the possibility to let registered Users (Not only admin) to create their own survey and post it on my wordpress installation by using limesurvey.</p> <p>I'm not sure if your plugin can eventually allow that or not.</p> <p>Thx for your answer and have a good day</p> <p>David</p>