Discussion and tips. - comments Untitled 2022-05-05T14:02:34Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment144 2022-05-05T14:02:34Z <p>For issue and new feature : please use gitlab issue.<br class="autobr" /> <a href="https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/issues" class="spip_url spip_out auto" rel="nofollow external">https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/issues</a></p> <p>Issue on gitlab are A11Y ready ?</p> Untitled 2022-05-05T14:01:08Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment143 2022-05-05T14:01:08Z <p>confirm the issue (email required)</p> <p>Seems 3.28.9 / Vanilla have near same issue</p> Discussion and tips. 2022-05-05T13:55:27Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment142 2022-05-05T13:55:27Z <p>I've found an issue with this theme.<br class="autobr" /> If you create a multilanguage survey with registration page, then when you land on the registration page the change language button does not work, nor does the dropdown "Language" control.</p> <p>Tested with the limesurvey paas, version 3.28.7 and the following browsers:<br class="autobr" /> Mozilla Firefox 91.8.0esr (32 bit)<br class="autobr" /> Chrome Versione 100.0.4896.127 (Build ufficiale) (a 64 bit)<br class="autobr" /> Microsoft Edge Versione 100.0.1185.44 (Build ufficiale) (64 bit)<br class="autobr" /> Microsoft Internet Explorer Versione 1909 (build SO 18363.2212)<br class="autobr" /> Mozilla FF 99.0.1 (64-bit)<br class="autobr" /> Edge Version 101.0.1210.32 (Official build) (64-bit) <br class="autobr" /> Chrome Version 101.0.4951.54 (Official Build) (64-bit)<br class="autobr" /> Vivaldi 5.2.2623.41 (Stable channel) (64-bit) <br class="autobr" /> Brave Version 1.38.111 Chromium: 101.0.4951.54 (Official Build) (64-bit)</p> <p>All tests were done with Microsoft Windows 10</p> Untitled 2020-10-27T11:17:24Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment129 2020-10-27T11:17:24Z <p>No , role=alert wasd here.</p> <p>Please : can you explain exactly the difference on <a href="https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/-/issues/31" class="spip_url spip_out auto" rel="nofollow external">https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/-/issues/31</a> for screen-reader ?</p> <p>There are a minor issue (not for screen-reader or a11y) : <a href="https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/-/issues/30" class="spip_url spip_out auto" rel="nofollow external">https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/-/issues/30</a> but i think it's minor here.</p> <p>I think i don't understand <strong>highlight</strong> in</p> <blockquote class="spip"> <p>However, my colleague asks if it is possible to highlight the wrong answers. I guess she would like to be taken back where the wrong answer was typed. Is this possible?</p> </blockquote> Untitled 2020-10-27T11:03:33Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment128 2020-10-27T11:03:33Z <p>? Maybe it's not activated.</p> <p>I think i better understand now … yes : i add aria-description with error :)<br class="autobr" /> But : i remove some role=alert : i must add it when survey is submitted !</p> <p>Please : next time : some sample to better understand :)</p> Untitled 2020-10-27T10:50:20Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment127 2020-10-27T10:50:20Z <p>I'm really sorry but I cannot find where the option is in the survey or in the theme...</p> Untitled 2020-10-26T16:07:18Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment126 2020-10-26T16:07:18Z <p>It's <a href="https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/documentation.html#Custom-validity" class="spip_url auto" rel="nofollow">https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/documentation.html#Custom-validity</a> :)</p> <p>The browser is used to disable submit , <br class="autobr" /> Sometimes it's browser string (mandatory single choice for example), sometimes it was taken from LimeSurvey core string.</p> <p>Looking at current templete : i have a class, but even after try to submit : only the "error" string are shown. We don't have a error border or something like this.</p> <p>I check to add in in generator and use it … but need a clean way with all question wrapper too …</p> <p>Sample with Fruity : bordered as red when error is submitted.</p> Untitled 2020-10-26T15:22:57Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment125 2020-10-26T15:22:57Z <p>Sorry, I don't know what CustomValidity is, so maybe the problem lays there.<br class="autobr" /> Where can i activate that?</p> Untitled 2020-10-23T15:24:16Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment124 2020-10-23T15:24:16Z <p>Hi Rita,</p> <p>Great to know it's better with JAWS reader, i made it for this.</p> <p>You use CustomValidity then : right ? <br class="autobr" /> Here : when activate CustomValidity checker : i think jaws (and other screen reader) goes to the 1st error.</p> <p>Seem not the case … <br class="autobr" /> I have the <code class="spip_code" dir="ltr">submitted-error</code> class added when submit (after submission) whitout CustomValidity. Maybe i can add it too when try to submit with CustomValidity activated ?</p> <p>And goes to the 1st error (like LimeSurvey core template do).</p> <p>I check this.<br class="autobr" /> If you can use <a href="https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/-/issues" class="spip_url spip_out auto" rel="nofollow external">https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/-/issues</a> for such part : it 's really great (and you see i'm late …)</p> <p>Maybe it's related : <a href="https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/-/issues/7" class="spip_url spip_out auto" rel="nofollow external">https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/-/issues/7</a> ?</p> Discussion and tips. 2020-10-23T11:59:43Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment123 2020-10-23T11:59:43Z <p>I've been testing this theme, among others, with a colleague who uses the JAWS screen reader.<br class="autobr" /> This first test implied using validation for fields, like using a number to signify age.<br class="autobr" /> She says this theme is the best because it's the only one which notifies errors, while the standard ones accept the "submit" input without notifying. I cannot join her so I cannot see what she actually does but I understand that with standard themes the non-valid value is silently discarded.</p> <p>That said, this theme is the best we've got so far!</p> <p>However, my colleague asks if it is possible to highlight the wrong answers. I guess she would like to be taken back where the wrong answer was typed. Is this possible?</p> Discussion and tips. 2020-10-23T11:58:55Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment122 2020-10-23T11:58:55Z <p>I've been testing this theme, among others, with a colleague who uses the JAWS screen reader.<br class="autobr" /> This first test implied using validation for fields, like using a number to signify age.<br class="autobr" /> She says this theme is the best because it's the only one which notifies errors, while the standard ones accept the "submit" input without notifying. I cannot phisically join her so I cannot see what she actually does but I understand that with standard themes the non-valid value is silently discarded.</p> <p>That said, this theme is the best we've got so far!</p> <p>However, my colleague asks if it is possible to highlight the wrong answers. I guess she would like to be taken back where the wrong answer was typed. Is this possible?</p> Untitled 2019-12-02T08:01:37Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment108 2019-12-02T08:01:37Z <p>Right .... <br class="autobr" /> I tst on chromium and have same issue . I think it work but not ...</p> <p>Can you test adding <a href="https://www.aspsnippets.com/Articles/Disable-Browser-Back-Button-Functionality-using-JavaScript.aspx" class="spip_out" rel='nofollow external'>this snippet in custom.js</a>, deactivate the option No back button in theme option, and test on IE edge, firefox and chrome ?</p> <p>If it work : please report the issue on <a href="https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla" class="spip_out" rel='nofollow external'>repository</a> and better : <a href="https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/SurveyThemes/skelvanilla/merge_requests" class="spip_out" rel='nofollow external'>make a pull request</a>.</p> Untitled 2019-11-30T14:57:36Z https://extensions.sondages.pro/themes-and-templates/skelvanilla-a11y-and-usuability/discussion-and-tips#comment107 2019-11-30T14:57:36Z <p>During my testing I found that the removeBack function works well in firefox but doesn't work on Google Chrome :-(<br class="autobr" /> Any idea how we can solve this?</p>