sendMailAjax : all email in one click > Documentation
This plugin add an option in Survey settings to send invitation and reminder in one click.
LimeSurvey have an option to limit the sending of email: «Email batch size». For some server or SMTP configuration, it can be used if you a limited number of mail to send. With another configuration, sending email take a lot of time, and with more than 150 or 500 emails : this broke server PHP limit.
This plugin is made for user who need to send more than 500 emails and don’t have a email limit to send. It allow to send all email with only one click.
Plugin settings by survey
The plugin settings are shown only when needed : survey is activated and have a participant table.
The plugin have 2 settings, used only for reminder email. It’s the same than the LimeSurvey core system.
- Minimum day after last email (invite or remind).
- When sending an reminder, last date of reminder or invitation sent was tested. If there are less than the day here, the email is not sended.
- Don’t send remind if user have already receive X reminder.
- When sending an reminder, the total number of reminder is tested, if there are already the number of reminder sended, the reminder are not send.
After this settings, you see the 2 buttons to send invitation and reminder.
Sending invitation and reminder
Clicking on the «Send email invitation» button show a new dialog box. This dialog box show the email number to send. Clicking on «Send invitations» launch the process.
Clicking on the «Send email reminder» button show a new window. This dialog box show the settings used and the email number to send. Clicking on «Send reminders» launch the process.
During the process, you can stop it at any time closing the dialog box or click on «Cancel». Email sent are updated with the date of sending, no new email was sent.
At end of the process, the button «Cancel» update to «Done», before closing the dialog box : you can copy the email sent if you need.